Incubator kitchen with a variety of appliances & tools
24/7 kitchen access & building security
Optional dishwashing service
Video surveillance throughout the facility
Lockable storage options
Dedicated dry, cold and frozen storage
Data-driven analytics
Leadership in strategic expansion
Included utilities, trash removal, and pest control
Partnership with WeWork Food Labs
Catering and special event opportunities
Branding, marketing, and social media support
Entrepreneurship training and counseling
Accounting and bookkeeping guidance
Space to host classes, dinners, and pop-ups small and large
Incubator kitchen with a variety of appliances & tools
24/7 kitchen access & building security
Optional dishwashing service
Video surveillance throughout the facility
Lockable storage options
Dedicated dry, cold and frozen storage
Data-driven analytics
Leadership in strategic expansion
Included utilities, trash removal, and pest control
Partnership with WeWork Food Labs
Catering and special event opportunities
Branding, marketing, and social media support
Entrepreneurship training and counseling
Accounting and bookkeeping guidance
Space to host classes, dinners, and pop-ups small and large
Incubator kitchen with a variety of appliances & tools
24/7 kitchen access & building security
Optional dishwashing service
Video surveillance throughout the facility
Lockable storage options
Dedicated dry, cold and frozen storage
Data-driven analytics
Leadership in strategic expansion
Included utilities, trash removal, and pest control
Partnership with WeWork Food Labs
Catering and special event opportunities
Branding, marketing, and social media support
Entrepreneurship training and counseling
Accounting and bookkeeping guidance
Space to host classes, dinners, and pop-ups small and large

Our Mission
We Aim to Empower Local Food Entrepreneurs,
Support Women-Owned Businesses,
Uplift Minories Groups, and Serve Communities in Need.
Through our supportive ecosystem, we create jobs and business opportunities,
foster diversity, and make a meaningful impact in the culinary world and beyond.
Meal Prep and Delivery
ChefScape is commited to prapere high quality meals efficiantly and cost effectively
to large populatios.
Shared Kitchen
ChefScape provides local food entrepenurs fully equipped kitchen facilities to sucessfully bring their food and beverage concepts to the market.
Amenities Management
ChefScape Manage high-quality amenity spaces, including a tenenat exclusive food hall, event space, coffee shop and conference rooms.
Catering and Events
Our catering service and event space are offered to the general public and are powered by our perzonalized event hosting services and food network.